
Commercial Green Solutions believes without hesitation, Sustainability and Profitability can be achieved simultaneously. We accomplish this for commercial buildings by working tirelessly to maximize rebates - both do the WORK to achieve that maximization AND by also providing the goods or service for which that rebate pays.

10+ years of pursuit
Our Mission Is Simple
We desire to make every client with whom we come in contact MORE profitable and at the same time a better steward of Earth's resources and future
- Rick West,
VP of Sales/Partner

An unflinching team
Leading A Prudent Revolution
Our incredible team has decades of experience in this process and has the unequivocable goal to gain as much value for our clients as possible. And when we say value, we mean both saving them as much money as possible in their expenses towards utilities, but also in allowing them to achieve their ESG goals by being the most sustainable versions of themselves that they could be.