
We Reduce Utility Costs and Improve Carbon Footprints

At CGS the energy is different and so is our approach to it.

Trusted By:

Industry Leaders


Bottom Line Results

Our Solutions Provide Immediate Savings with Lasting Impact

man inspecting hvac
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Forensic Utility Audit

A Forensic Utility Audit provides a comprehensive review of your property's energy usage to identify opportunities for improved efficiency and lower utility costs. Our team of experts will analyze various components of your building to provide customized solutions that ensure optimal energy utilization, decreasing your environmental footprint and saving on expenses.

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HVAC Tune Up

HVAC makes up 40% of the energy utilized in a commercial building. Commercial green solutions recognizes that any efficiency gained in this area can significantly impact the profitability of a facility.Commercial Solutions specializes and excels in finding huge rebates to help properties become more efficient and profitable with their HVAC. These programs range from full unit replacement at little to no cost to maintenance of all the HVAC equipment within a facility

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Efficient lighting

30 to 40% of the energy use of a commercial building is lighting. Commercial Green Solutions is committed to taking that percentage as low as mathematically and humanly possible. We do so by maximizing utility programs across the country to allow ROIs that are beyond ridiculous, and so compelling that commercial building operators have no choice but to become more efficient.

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Building an abundant future

Commercial Green Solutions

CGS was founded to champion our world’s shift to green energy, while engineering a prosperous economy.


Customer Savings In 2023


Average ROI




US States

Operating with humane incentives

We Only Profit When You Do

CGS has hundreds of references who can vouch for our expertise in acquiring and maximizing utility funds. Additionally, Commercial Green Solutions only receives a percentage of the funds we secure from the utility on your behalf. This means we are highly motivated to obtain the maximum possible funding for your property or project.

enrgy savings

Concord hospitality


CGS started with simply advising us on a couple issues we were having on utility bills, then became more active in auditing our utility bills and then proactive in finding us FREE incentive money, and equally important managing the process from start to finish, for our new builds. We have given them a couple hail Mary's and they have scored each time. They are a trusted partner who only brings opportunities to us and our trusted partners that make sense. Selling what we need, not everything they have, and allowing us to focus on our core business and take advantage of real incentives and rebates that are not easily accessible.

- Scot Cameron

Our greatest solution:

An Industrious Team

Our incredible team has decades of experience in this process and has the unequivocable goal to gain as much value for our clients as possible. And when we say value, we mean both saving them as much money as possible in their expenses towards utilities, but also in allowing them to achieve their ESG goals by being the most sustainable versions of themselves that they could be.